First and formost is our move to a new home. The Boys were both excited and sad. They were excited for the new adventures that awaited them in this new chapter in their lives and sad to be leaving behind their friends and family. Now don't get me wrong, we did not leave our friends and family behind. We have been visiting with them as much as we can. I do believe that no matter what life brings us that there is always a way to make time for those that we care about!
I tell my boys this, "A road to a friends house is never long."
In the fall the boys will be starting a new school year in new schools. Neither one of them is very excited about that but I know that they will do just fine as long as they keep an open mind.
I have been slowly getting the house in order and more importantly my Craft Room in order. lol I have been craveing for some crafting! This Saturday I will be heading back to the old neighborhood to do a workshop with the girls. A very much need reprise from the move.
I hope that you all have had a fantastic Independance Day!!! We spent the weekend with Family. My sister and her family came to our house for a BBQ. We had fun with another "improved" game of Hide and Seek Tag. The whole family gets involved even the grown ups. The love of my life had the best hiding spot ever!!! (which I have to get the picture from my neice's camera)
My niece (18 yrs old) also had a great hiding spot.
It took her father a long time to find her, and yes he was really looking.
It took her father a long time to find her, and yes he was really looking.
Then on the 4th our family headed to my Husbands brother's for a Pool party BBQ. ( my niece Laura spent the night at our house so she was part of the fun too) Dana had planned out some fun games for us to do and even had prizes and awards to give out too. There was the waterbaloon toss, 3-leg race, and "potatoe sack" race. (which we used trash bags and our feet poped right through. 
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