I just love spring. The gentle warming from a cold winter to the buds on the trees. It brings to light the promise that no matter how cold life can be there are always new beginnings!
Everything seems to be more vibrant and in tune with their surroundings. The birds that have come back from their winter homes serenade the winds with their songs as they prepare for their offspring building nests and protecting their new homes.
It truly amazes me how remarkably strong the nests really are. Once their eggs are laid they are beautiful colors.

I was able to get a few photos of the new life that has just begun. I hope that you enjoy them and they remind you not to take life for granted, make the best out of what you have and don't dwell on what you don't have. More than likely, you are already blessed with so much more than you realize.

They have grown since the previous photo. There are 4 babies. At first I only saw three and was worried that the fourth didn't hatch.
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